Weezer perfect situation actress
Weezer perfect situation actress

Most of us know Rolling Stone has praised it in recent years, citing it as one of the first successful 'emo' albums. I can go back to my junior high days when the "Blue Album" was all the rage and I can still remember the time when "Pinkerton" was once considered a sophomore failure. But mix in a bit of quirkiness and hard-driving guitars and lyrics and you have Weezer. Everyone considers bands like Rush in that category. I guess I'll start with at the top of my head: they are probably one that definitely took 'nerd-rock' to a new level. I'm not sure how many ways I can describe Weezer. Everyone says they're not the best live band, but they still have plenty of influence and great material. I can't believe it took me this long to finally see Weezer live! Caught them at Loufest (with Paul in KY) last weekend as they were the headliner. Just understand that your outrage won’t actually accomplish anything. The Hall is better for it, for the simple fact that the bar needs to be set high and Weezer doesn’t meet the standard. At the end of the day, Weezer does not get inducted. You and I can argue ‘till we’re blue in the face, and it won’t change anything. Pasteurized, homogenized, and ready for mass consumption, and utterly lacking in any substance. They just don’t get that he conned you 15 years ago and they’d rather continue to be conned then accept the fact that they bought into something carefully packaged and mass marketed. Even now, when it’s cool to like Van Halen again, and Cuomo comes out of the closet, so to speak, as a VH fan, Weezer fans still think he must be doing so with some sort of irony. And he had so much marketing push behind him that his fans actually believed the swill they got sold. Rivers Cuomo was a huge Van Halen fan, yet deliberately contrived to keep his influences under wraps, because they weren’t the trend of the moment.

weezer perfect situation actress weezer perfect situation actress

They were following a trend, not setting a trend. By dressing like nerds, Weezer simply took what was genuine, and bastardized it into something contrived. By the time Weezer came along, that look had been co-opted into an anti-80s statement. They did it because it was wet and rainy in Seattle. When Pearl Jam wore flannel and Doc Martins, it was genuine.

weezer perfect situation actress

The Beatles were non-threatening? Were you even alive then? The Beatles certainly seem tame by todays standards, but at the time, they were called satanic by parents who didn't understand what they were hearing.Īnd Weezer weren't rebelling against Pearl Jam and Nine Inch Nails.

Weezer perfect situation actress